Saturday 9 April 2016

Single Bride

So , we do it again after so many years!!! Emm....maybe 2 years passed. My cousin is a very good make up artist. That day we dated a day and we went to her friend's JH bridal shop to do the make up things and take photos for her project. And so many things happened on that day!!

 First , she came to fetch me at 10 am and her car's air conditioning spoiled already ,it's not spoiled ,but no gas. So,after sending her baby go to my grandma's house ,we went to repair the air conditioning .Thanks God ! Luckily we repaired it ,if not we could almost die in the car because the weather was so HOT on that day!! And we needed to drive from SP to Penang.After fetching her friend JH and we went to eat our lunch near by her bridal shop in George Town because it was really traffic jam on that day. so we couldn't leave the town.

Then , we started our work!!

 “There is no such thing as a perfect man or a perfect marriage. But the one I have is perfect for me.” —Fawn Weaver
This is so true . Girls , don't change yourself because of a man , he is supposed to love who you are if he's really loves you. To those girls who are single ,be a independent woman but not a strong woman . 
Love yourself more.........
 “Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success.” —Henry Ford

All I wanted to say is thanks to my cousin Veronica Teoh and Jia Hui , a very straight camera woman .Haha .So, you can find her in the fb with this name and like her page  or you can go to the website , booking for your best . = )

Monday 8 February 2016

Faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan teater bangsawan popular.

              Teater bangsawan merupakan satu pementasan teater tradisional yang menekankan gaya bahasa , cara percakapan dan gerak laku yang digayakan .Teater ini lain dari teater moden yang lebih berbentuk kepada realisme. Bangsawan ialah sebuah teater yang mendramakan kisah seorang wira atau wirawati. Sejak teater bangsawan bertapak di Malaysia pada tahun 1880-an,wujudlah sesuatu kegiatan teater yang kemudiannya menjadi sangat popular dan memonopoli kegiatan teater Malaysia selama lebih 70 tahun.Bangsawan bermula di Pulau Pinang, lalu berkembang ke seluruh Malaysia hingga ke Indonesia.
                Asal mula bangsawan sebenarnya bukanlah dari Malaysia, sebaliknya bangsawan lahir daripada pengkuburan sebuah teater bergerak dari India. Dalam tahun 1870-an, Pulau Pinang telah meneriam pengaruh sebuah pementasan teater bergerak bernama Wayang Parsi atau Mendu. Kumpulan ini melakonkan cerita-cerita dengan mengunakan Bahasa Hindi dan dilakonkan oleh pelakon lelaki dan wanita yang didatangkan dari India . Wayang Parsi ini kemudian diambil alih oleh tuan dari kalangan Jawi Pekan tempatan bernama Mohamed Pusi pada tahun 1884 dan diberikan nama wayang Bangsawan. Nama kumpulan bangsawan pertama ialah Pusi Indera Bangsawan of Penang  yang bergiat pada tahun 1885 dan menggunakan Bahasa Melayu. Kumpulan ini bergerak ke seluruh tanah air hingga ke Sumatera. Di Kuala Lumpur, tapak Sungei Wang Plaza dahulunya merupakan tempat bangsawan dipentaskan dan dikenali sebagai Happy World. Kumpulan-kumpulan yang telah bergiat cergas sejak kumpulan pertama terlalu banyak jumlahnya. Kumpulan yang lebih lama bergiat adalah seperti Nahar Bangsawan Malaysia Opera, Kinta Opera, Indera Bangsawan of Penang, City Opera, Penisular Opera, Seri Permata Opera, Jaya Opera, Zanzibar Bangsawan, Dean Union Opera, Gray Opera, Indera Permata of Selangor,Constantinople Opera, Rahman Opera, Kencana Wati Opera, Bangsawan Jenaka Melayu dan Bolera Opera. Jadi , Apakah yang menyebabkan teater bangsawan popular?
                Antara factor yang menyebabkan teater bangsawan ini popular ialah teater bangsawan menpunyai sifat terpenting dalam drama-drama tradisional iaitu improvisasi. Improvisasi ialah cara persembahan drama yang dilakukan tanpa berdasarkan kepada naskhah bertulis, sebaliknya hanya berdasarkan kepada rangka dasar (tema dan plot dasar) sesebuah cerita sahaja. Pengembangan cerita dari tema dan plot dasar itu, termasuk dialog dan lakonan adalah hasil kreativiti pelakon dan pengarah. Sifat improvisasi ini menyebabkan drama-drama tradisional tidak pernah melahirkan naskhah bertulis dan ia memang tidak memerlukan naskhah bertulis kerana konsep drama itu sendiri bukanlah untuk dibaca, tetapi untuk ditonton dan didengar. Improvisasi dalam bangsawan merangkumi semua aspek lakonan : mental , fizikal ,dan lisan.Aspek fizikal meliputi pergerakan , gerak isyarat , bisnes pentas ,gerak tari,mima,persilatan dan adegan lasak. Aspek lisan dari segi pengucapan dialog,nyanyian ,bernasib ,berbalas pantun ,bersyair ,monolog,soliloki dan bisik-kuat. Dari segi mental menjurus kepada setiap lakuan yang dicetuskan pada detik-detik itu sama ada fizikal, lisan atau emotional. Segala lakuan improvisasi yang dihasilkan ini bertitik tolak daripada scenario yang dibekalkan oleh pengarah. Para pelakon akan mengimprovisasi scenario dan watak yang dipegangnya hingga ke akhir cerita. Dalam bangsawan , para pelakon bukan sahaja menjadi pelakon malah juga menjadi penulis skrip yang dihasilkan bukan melalui tulisan tetapi perlakuan aksi pada saat-saat itu. Jadi , para pelakon tidak perlu menghabiskan berjam-jam lamanya menghafal dialog dan apabila masa tiba waktunya mereka akan menampilkan diri mereka di atas pentas lantas mengimprovisasikannya berdasarkan watak , cerita dan adegan.Improvisasi berkaitan dengan kecerdasan mental yang ada pada pelakon , jadi, para pelakon bangsawan harus peka dengan penontonnya.
             Faktor seterusnya ialah cerita-cerita yang dipersembahkan didominasi oleh unsur-unsur dongeng dan khayal, struktur plot cerita-cerita tersebut bersifat episodik.  Penggunaan puisi lama dan bahasa berirama juga digunakan dalam bangsawan. Lakonannya dilakukan secara stylize (tidak bersahaja) dan persembahannya dimulakan dengan upacara pembukaan yang agak ritualistik, dan menggabungkan unsur-unsur muzik, nyanyi, tari (termasuk silat) dan jenaka. Walaupun dalam aspek-aspek tersebut bangsawan masih meneruskan ciri-ciri teater tradisional dan kerana itu dapat digolongkan sebagai satu daripada bentuk teater tradisional, tetapi dalam beberapa aspek yang lain ia telah membawa beberapa pembaharuan yang penting dalam perkembangan drama Malaysia, hingga tidak tepat lagi kalau hendak kita golongkan sebagai teater tradisional. Inilah keistimewaan yang menjadikan teater bangsawan popular.  

Friday 8 January 2016


In my theater class,we always have a lot of activities that other courses don't do. And it is quite weird. We  are more to practical instead of keep looking at the books.So,here is the activity we did in our class....which was finding a car and observe it. Well, maybe you can just read it and imagine how was the car looked like. 

                        Dalam perjalanan di luar pusat pengajian seni , saya ternampak sebuah kereta Myvi . Kereta Myvi ini berwarna orange . Cermin kereta tersebut telah meletakkan kaca filem tingkap dan keratanya diletak di bawah pokok . Hal ini menunjukkan pemandu merupakan seorang yang takut kepada panas . Plat number kereta tersebut ialah PLS 7474 . Ini menunjukkan pemandu kereta ini ialah orang Penang kerana number plat keretanya mula dengan “ P ”.Selain itu , pemandu kereta ini merupakan orang Melayu kerana number keretanya terdapat number kegemaran kaum Melayu iaitu “ 4 ” .Kereta ini tidak mungkin memiliki kaum Cina kerana number kereta “ 7474 ” ini dalam bahasa cina bermaksud “ kematian ” .

Sunday 8 November 2015

Review of Theater JALAN MATI

              This is the senior’s final year project (FYP) and it called “Jalan Mati” .The director was MAZLAN MAT RAZi . I watched this show on first day which was 10 April 2015. It was a rainy day. The show was held in Panggung Sasaran. The place was okay but I think they were lack of people to be F.O.H. This is because they applied mycsd for the show, but when i went to the counter to write my name on the mycsd form , there was no one to take care of the counter .So, it means that anybody can just come and write the name to get mycsd and just walk away. And this may make some students come for just mycsd but not the show. Also , the instruction from F.O.H was not clear .For example ,it was raining but they did not tell the audiences where to put their umbrella and their shoes. The time of the show started was not punctual.
                  The actor Ed Kota who acted as doctor Lokman was quite good in acting because he was able to make the audiences laugh and concentrate while the mood of the theater was down while for another actor Tiow 'Ajis' Lampoyan Isaac who acted as Azam , his acting was not as good as Ed Kota but he showed his characteristic as audiences know that he was a person who was young , innocent and nervous .And he was good because he needed to stay the cold as he woke up from a bathtub which full of water. For the actor Myra who acted as the dead body .She was not easy because she needed to lie there for hours and the stage was cold. But she was professional because she did not even move any part of her body. And at the end of the scene , her face expression was very nice and people can feel her revenge , her angry and her sadness.
            The lighting was nice because when the actor monolog ,the light will concentrated on the actor only , so that the audiences will just concentrate on him and heard what he said. The timing of the lighting was very important when Dr Lokman switch off and on the light. And the light will change while the mood of the theatre changed and it was nice .  The audio was less because this type of theatre does not suit to have a lot of music but the last sound track was nice because it increased nervous mood .

Thursday 8 October 2015

Elemen Produksi

This is the assignment that I did for my course which is drama and theater.And the topic that our professor gave was the element of productions but I wrote it in Malay. Here are some information that I found through internet and something that I wrote on my own depends on what I know. So,here is it. I would like to share it to you guys. Have a good day.

Tuesday 8 September 2015

Remix literature stories F1- F5

Last time,I was so bored and went to my cousin's house.We are same age so we almost studied the same things in school.So,we made up a remix story like that!!! Is it funny or not just depends on you guys.For me,I think it's very funny.I almost forgot where this "remix story" gone until one day I FOUND it again in my computer.......So,here we GO!!

One day, I went to a pub and i saw  a sexy boy. His head is fulled with blondie short hair, and he has such a quiet eye.I know he use a perfume name ‘fruit cake special’.I asked him ,”Excuse me? May I asked where did you buy those cake? It smells fuckin good!”He answer me:’if u can catch me,I will tell u immediately’. Then we started to catch each other like what showed in Bollywood movies. You know? While we catch each other, we also sang a song called The Phantom of Opera. Suddenly, I saw Ekran’s burger stall. I asked him if his cake was bought from that stall . He then said’ CATCH ME IF YOU WANT THE FUCKIN ANSWER!” We catch each other AGAIN.

The story that we edited was until here,so,if u want to continue it or you have any ideas,do comment on below~ =D

Saturday 8 August 2015

Book: Wreck This Journal

Bought a journal , it's not a journal actually,it's a book,but it's not just a book,it's your own journal usually. Oh,well,,it a book which will give you instruction and you are gonna make your own journal.This book is written by Keri Smith. It's a very nice book,which will make you explode yourself to the world. It is very creative and fun to "play". When you're sad,angry,or upset,you can just open this book and start you art world!! =)