Saturday 9 April 2016

Single Bride

So , we do it again after so many years!!! Emm....maybe 2 years passed. My cousin is a very good make up artist. That day we dated a day and we went to her friend's JH bridal shop to do the make up things and take photos for her project. And so many things happened on that day!!

 First , she came to fetch me at 10 am and her car's air conditioning spoiled already ,it's not spoiled ,but no gas. So,after sending her baby go to my grandma's house ,we went to repair the air conditioning .Thanks God ! Luckily we repaired it ,if not we could almost die in the car because the weather was so HOT on that day!! And we needed to drive from SP to Penang.After fetching her friend JH and we went to eat our lunch near by her bridal shop in George Town because it was really traffic jam on that day. so we couldn't leave the town.

Then , we started our work!!

 “There is no such thing as a perfect man or a perfect marriage. But the one I have is perfect for me.” —Fawn Weaver
This is so true . Girls , don't change yourself because of a man , he is supposed to love who you are if he's really loves you. To those girls who are single ,be a independent woman but not a strong woman . 
Love yourself more.........
 “Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success.” —Henry Ford

All I wanted to say is thanks to my cousin Veronica Teoh and Jia Hui , a very straight camera woman .Haha .So, you can find her in the fb with this name and like her page  or you can go to the website , booking for your best . = )

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