Sunday 17 February 2013

那些年,他们的物理老师 Those years,their physics teacher


This teacher never taught me before,but I know who is he.I know he’s a physics teacher and always wear 80 century shirts,his 80 century glasses,the most important is his super 80 century hair style.I saw my school friends posted what he always said in the class,and I think it’s quite funny,but some quite meaningful.So,I copied down and decided to post it at here.Those words are what the teacher always like to say…and I tried to translate it to English,I hope everyone can read in both language.

“我要把你们的魂唤回来……”。I want to recall you spiritual…..
Not have the correct outlook on life, your score will not be better.
In the school,because too much holidays,so,we have limited time,understand or not just depend on yourself talented.Or only "Sunshine" (tutorial center) can light up your dark future.
I teach something, you'd better write it down or wait for the next outburst of cold wind blowing, and all forget.
Concentrate on the class you later rely on physics to support their families.
Whether you go to the corners of the ends of the earth which must take my note,then you can survive.
Best to the tutorial do not tell a friend to sit, why? Friends asked you to chat, you don’t want, called not loyalty, you spoke to him, what is it?Called to hold together dead.
Cemerlang students is so bad students - with rotten
If you are deaf, your world will be very lonely, because there is no sound.
-你回家时, 记得把我的 note 带走 , 还有你们的钱包, 锁匙, 糖果纸, ..... 还有吃不完的面包~~
When you back home, remember take my note away, your wallet, keys,candy wrappers, ..... and the unfinished bread.
When in the exam,I will not beside you,you guys need to tae care of yourselves.
-坐前面的人以后就是工程师,坐后面的人以后就是清道夫 =.=”
The one who sit in front will be engineer,those who sit at the back will be scavenger.
You have to concentrate on lectures ... or exam when you will be"tears".
Ching Ming Festival, when rain is because your ancestors see you don’t have study and tears.
Do not Training and carefully, slowly,it is a disaster.
-假如你将来要成功,现在...你就要学会孤独~~~ 只要学会孤独,将来你就有机会成功了~
If you want to future success, now ... you have to learn to loneliness ~ ~ ~ just have to learn alone, you have a chance of success in the future
You have to do exercises, read more,in the future have the money to buy milk, or else can only raise a cow.
Your heart is very thick, so you careless.
In this democratic society, you can not force anyone to do anything he does not like or do not want to do .... you do not study, I will not force you too.
-你如果现在还不读书,这叫视死如归.....考试出来~我,问心无愧; 你,不好无语问苍天...
If you is not reading, called death-defying ..... exam ~ I, a clear conscience; you, not anguish.
When you do not understand the home affairs, proved non-head of the family, but one of the pigs
The note I gave you,you have to go home and read,if not,you’re dead.
Scientifically proven If you have been using the left-handedchopsticks, writing, and such action, then you ... is a left-handed
This world, people out fast out of the back of.
Dig up the roots,spring it will not grow.
Do not waste time combing hair.
When get rejected,do not forget giving a memorable smile.
You would like to thank those students who talking at the back , if they did not, when your child want to eat ice-cream, there is no ice cream to eat, all the doctor no one is selling ice cream.
Did you know? Idiom named sharply. That pin a interpolation down your meat on the sight of blood
-以前的神仙不读Physic的.''(所以求神仙也没有用~还是努力读书去~ )
Before the gods do not read Physic.'' (Ask god also not used ~ or to study hard)
Elephants admire human because humans can invent things lifted the heavy glass will not break.
It is said that the sea is very wide. Broader than the sea, the sky.Wider than the sky. . . Syllabus. Everyone work hard!!
haha,when you feel bored,you can look back this,and you may feel happy and smile.Miss those days our school life….

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